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Knowledge Base articles - EthoVision XT

Activity, Mobility, and Movement: How much is my animal moving around?

EthoVision provides many dependent variables to measure different aspects of your animal's behavior. Activity, Mobility, and Movement each provide ways to measure the active vs inactive periods of your trials.

Changing the exposure settings for Basler cameras

This issue involves situations where the image from your Basler camera is too dark, you’ve already manually opened the aperture on the lens all the way, and increasing/adjusting the light in the set-up has been done/not possible.

EthoVision XT file error Id 10025

This error indicates there was a problem opening the experiment, but could arise for a variety of reasons including missing files, insufficient access, or a problem with the experiment database.

Can I use a webcam with EthoVision?

This is a common question in which the answer is dependent on the specific tracking setup and scenario.

Reinstalling the Picolo U4 or U8 for EthoVision XT

The Picolo U4 or U8 were the framegrabbers most commonly used for analog cameras in EthoVision XT 8-14 and are supported in EthoVision XT 15. Reinstall the drivers if the card has ceased to work after a Windows update.

Image from my camera is flickering

This issue involves a situation where the image from the camera looks as though the lighting is flickering even though the lighting in the room is not flickering.

EthoVision XT: Animal is not tracked in Hidden Zone

This issue is demonstrated when an animal enters a Hidden Zone, but the red dot is not in the Hidden Zone and the software indicates that the animal is not found (i.e., “Subject not found” indicator at the bottom of the screen in Acquisition increases).

Missing data in EthoVision XT

Gaps may appear in EthoVision data. Missed samples, interpolated samples, and subject not found represent different types of issues and help you identify any problem. Smoothing, interpolation, and redoing trials offer several different solutions.

What are the supported video file formats for EthoVision XT?

This issue involves needing to find out if your pre-recorded video files are compatible with your version of EthoVision XT and can be run in the software.

My image is too dark using a Basler camera

This issue involves situations where the image from your Basler camera is too dark. It can be resolved in a number of ways after adjusting the lighting for the set-up has been done/not possible.