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Knowledge Base articles - All products

Understanding Axis camera LEDs

Summary of all the status LED's on your axis camera.

Related to All Noldus Products

MediaRecorder will not install and the resulting Log file says Access Denied 0x80070005

This issue involves a situation where the installation of MediaRecorder on your PC fails and the resulting log file says “Error 0x80070005”

Related to MediaRecorder

What is the best way to share my Observer project with another user? Can I simply send the .vop (Observer Project) file?

This issue involves a situation where you would like to share your project from The Observer XT with another user and are not sure of the best method for doing so.

Related to The Observer XT

Checking your license number

License numbers for Noldus software may be checked by going on the menu to Help/About.

Related to All Noldus Products

An overview of which software version is supported by which operating system

In this sheet, you can see which version of the software is supported and tested under which Operating System

Related to All Noldus Products

EthoVision XT: Animal is not tracked in Hidden Zone

This issue is demonstrated when an animal enters a Hidden Zone, but the red dot is not in the Hidden Zone and the software indicates that the animal is not found (i.e., “Subject not found” indicator at the bottom of the screen in Acquisition increases).

Related to EthoVision XT

Missing data in EthoVision XT

Gaps may appear in EthoVision data. Missed samples, interpolated samples, and subject not found represent different types of issues and help you identify any problem. Smoothing, interpolation, and redoing trials offer several different solutions.

Related to EthoVision XT

CatWalk XT 10.0, 10.5, or 10.6 does not open

Restart the camera and wait 1-2 minutes before restarting CatWalk. Check user permissions on the computer. Invalid settings may also prevent starting CatWalk. A log file provides diagnostic information.

Related to CatWalk XT

Diagnosing the Load Project Failed (Id 10459) error in The Observer

This error may occur because the file you are opening is not a project, the filename does not match when you restore the project from a backup, or there is a problem with the project database file.

Related to The Observer XT

Troubleshooting air continuing to blow after mouse crosses ladder

After the mouse has crossed the ErasmusLadder and moved into the chamber at the end, air should stop blowing on the walkway and the lights should turn off. If air continues to blow and the lights stay on, that indicates a rung is sticking.

Related to ErasmusLadder